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Byron Opening Soon in Bristol

Byron Opening Soon in Bristol


After every announcement of a new dude food establishment opening, the same old meaty cliches are thrown around (and I am as guilty as the next blogger). “Is there room for one more burger joint in Bristol? Have we reached ‘peak burger’ Will the obsession with pulled pork ever end?” It seems unlikely to, as one by one each building in central Bristol is transformed into a beef den with a giant blackboard on one side and those really expensive elongated light bulbs with the big glowing orange filaments.

Soon Bristol will see Meat Liquor opening in Stokes Croft and a ‘5 guys’ restaurant. But today we take a look at Byron, the infamous ‘takeaway’ burger favoured by George Osborne.

The restaurant opening up on the Triangle will be outlet number 47 for the chain so they must be doing something right or have a business approach with the same aggression as my Monopoly strategy. Their approach is all about keeping things simple; “patties made with Scottish beef, ground fresh, cooked medium and served in a soft, squishy bun with minimum fuss.” Sometimes I like a little fuss as my penchant for fois gras chips shows, so with a simple menu I’m expecting the a big classic burger taste.

Of course, my benchmarks are high. Fergburger in Queenstown New Zealand currently holds  the key to my carnivorous heart. Burgers there are so juicy and big that you don’t even need to order any chups.

Meaty Fergburger memories...

Will Byron live up to it's meaty reputation? Is there enough of an appetite for another burger chain? Can I fit any more burger related puns into this blog post? No I can't. Why don't you watch the video instead...


Grape and Grain Festival

Grape and Grain Festival

Private dining at the Milk Thistle

Private dining at the Milk Thistle