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Finding Time for American TV

Finding Time for American TV


I've just started watching a few American TV show series. Why didn't you lot tell me about them sooner? I've got 5 series of Breaking Bad to get through. Please stop making more shows, I need to catch up.

 You Should Have Told Me


I have always had a slight preconception about American TV shows, the inevitability of a cliff hanger at the end of every episode. The underlying motive to adapt the story-line that will keep the viewers hanging on for more and the networks signing off another season.


Woah, not that I'm getting self righteous


That doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying the series I'm watching, Currently Dexter, Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Saying that I am only on the early series of each. Dexter appears to be the most easily accessible, with a clear mini story contained in each episode giving it accessibility to first time viewers.

Breaking Bad has been hotly tipped by various friends and colleagues and after watching the first few episodes it seems I will have to make time to catch up on the series. Just about losing the association of Bryan Cranston to his character in Malcolm in the Middle.

So, not as if I have enough to be getting on with. What is your top series? I'm talking about something you love so much that you are jealous that I get to watch for the first time. Game of Thrones? The Wire?


Image: Lan Bui

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