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Giant Scrotum Shaped Hot Air Balloon Needs You! (Take 2)

Giant Scrotum Shaped Hot Air Balloon Needs You! (Take 2)


Last year, I posted an article about 'SkyBalls’ an crown funding campaign launched by the MCAC (Male Cancer Awareness Campaign) that aimed to construct of a hot air balloon in the shape of a GIANT PAIR OF TESTICLES. Alas, the project never got off the ground and I the scintillating image of a pair of testicles lightly brushing the tree tops of Bristol faded from memory.

The good news is, the project is back! With none other than Peter Griffin now counted among it's supporters.

I guess it was one of those creative brainstorming sessions where you “just had to be there”.

Hats off to whoever came up with the idea - you can’t get a much bigger level of awareness that a gigantean ball sack shaped shadow blocking out the sun! MCAC hopes that this campaign will spread the message that early detection of testicular cancer saves lives.

The balloon itself is being made by Bristol’s very own ‘Cameron Balloons’. Oh, and the whole thing is presented by charity ambassador & comedy legend Chris O'Dowd!

Head over to the crowd funding indiegogo to support this giant ball ache of a cause. The target is set at £100,000 which I think will be absolutely smashed. Plus there are a range of rewards depending on how much you pledge.

I'm bagging myself a new inappropriate mug for work, but you can also secure your very own flight in the finished balloon! "Bollocks!" I hear you cry. Yes, Bollocks indeed!


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