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Horse Burgers – Delicious Scandal

Horse Burgers – Delicious Scandal


Can I see what the fuss is about? I suppose I do, I once had a KitKat that was solid chocolate and can only assume that finding out you have digested my little pony would bring a similar level of outrage. That was a bad day mind. Although horse meat in burgers is obviously a fairly serious offence, the media backlash has been one of those of maelstroms saved for special occasions. A tasty tasty maelstrom.

This utter fixation of 'starting-gate' as I have now coined it, has lead to almost a full weeks worth of 'stock image burger munchers' adorning front pages. One of them, on the front of the Metro, was clearly a Big Mac. But my hatred of  awkward stock images can be saved for another day.


Tasty Discrimination

And through all the outrage, the late night radio phone-ins I have not listened to yet assume exist, the plethora of puns, I can't help but think that cows have got a raw deal.

 Poor cows.

Cows are in effect, walking meals. To be honest, when I look at a cow, I see one of those diagrams you get on steak house menu's with the dotted lines telling you which cut of beef is which.

But horses, glorious graceful horses. Who would want to eat a horse? Well, according to Google's autofill – You lot:


Buy Horse Meat



Oh horse meat, eww, no, not I, no way... How much is it?




Image: Kenjonbro



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