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How well do you know Bristol? True or False?

How well do you know Bristol? True or False?



Here we go…


True or False?

At any one time during rush hour, 64% of traffic lights in Bristol are red, 32% are green, 3% are amber and 1% are broken.

True or False?

The Bristol Hum was a fictitious PR campaign created by a South West window manufacturer to incentivise people to install double glazing – a property of which was to minimise noise in the home.

True or False?

Banksy was first inspired by street art after hearing that legendary and supposedly Bristolian pirate Blackbeard had scrawled ‘ye be frilly wenches’ across the entrance to Bristol Harbour hundreds of years earlier?

True or False?

J.K Rowling based the character of Harry Potter on a small boy from Bristol that she knew when growing up. That boy was me. I have a scar on my head from when I had a bowl of microwaved tinned spaghetti dropped on me. The scar is actually a squiggly burn.

True or False?

Pigeons were only present in the city after the year 1961 as they flew in to Bristol to watch a showing of the popular Disney Film 101 Dalmatians but were turned away from the screening because they had bought student tickets and could not produce a valid NUS card?

True or False?

The now popular single speed bikes adopted by throngs of fashion conscious commuters were first introduced by an engineer working at Rolls Royce who cut down on materials when building his own bike. The materials saved (valuable metals) were then to be used in the production of wartime aircraft, namely the Hurricane MkII in Filton airfield. Single speed bikes went on to be nicknamed ‘die Teufel Speichen’ (the Devils spokes) by the Luftwaffe.

True or False?

Apple and leek sausages were invented in Bristol after an accident involving a welsh delivery boy who upset an apple cart after tripping over a cobble on King Street.

True or False?

White Russian Cocktails were banned in the city during a three year period in the late 50’s for fear that people would become enamored with Russian culture and pose a risk to national security. No other UK cities imposed the same ban.


All False. Sorry if you thought this was going to be one of those quizzes where everything is true. It isn't. My imagination thanks you. Have a good day and that.

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